Is anything more American than starting a weekend morning with some breakfast sausage? This is just a simple straightforward “better than Jimmy Dean” American Breakfast Sausage recipe you can make for a breakfast on a crisp fall day.

First Step: Get yourself a nice piece of pork and cut it into cubes. I like to use the trimmings from pork shoulder or pork leg projects. Generally you want to use the 3rd tier trimmings for a project like this. First tier is for prized dry cured whole muscle like culatello or coppa. Second tier is for dry cured salami that will never touch heat. Third tier is for projects like this that will be cooked, and therefore the heat will help it break down. After you have the meat cubed, par freeze it to prepare for grinding.

Second Step: Grind the meat on a medium/fine die.

Third Step: Weight out the salt and spices that you will be using. Once you have the weight, you can enter it into the interactive spreadsheet below, just fill the weight of your meat in the appropriate white cell in the spreadsheet and hit enter. There is no need to make any other changes to the spreadsheet.
** Please use common sense and make sure the spreadsheet is working correctly for you.

Fourth Step: Mix the meat and the spices, taking care to keep the mixture cold to avoid fat smearing. Mix it well to create a tacky mixture.

Fifth Step: Create links or patties depending on your preference. Here we made patties.

Sixth Step: Cook and enjoy for breakfast!

Freeze any leftovers to enjoy in the future.